How To Get Into Tech Using The Ada Program

How To Get Into Tech Using The Ada Program



Defining Tech

Many of us believe that owning the newest iPhone, spending big sums of money on it, understanding how to power up a computer, sending text messages on cell phones, and having your fridge and microwave connected by Bluetooth are all indications of being tech smart.

The truth is that any of these skills are overrated. Being tech aware basically means having the ability to use technology intelligently. This ability goes well beyond only "knowing" the principles of how technology functions and includes "utilizing" such cutting-edge technologies in order to increase productivity and efficiency.

Importance of being Tech savvy

In today's very competitive work environment, it is crucial to have a strong understanding of technology. For instance, having the necessary web abilities is estimated to increase your employment chances by 25% and, after you land a job, might result in a nearly 10% wage increase.

Defining my audience

This article as might have been envisaged is targeted specially for beginners to Tech, and all those who are considering it one way or the other.


As most people would have noticed, this is the digital era, and whether one likes it or not; we are faced with one form of technology, one way or the other in our daily occupations; from the microwave to the phone, etc. One needs to keep up, at least through knowledge, with the fast train of technology – though we are not expected to know every single tech that is churned out – to remain abreast as much as we possibly can.

Two real benefits of being Tech savvy would be:

Improvement of the work-life balance:

If you are technologically skilled, you have the ability to alter the conventional workplace and working hours for yourself. You can demand flexible work schedules and work locations with little to no salary concessions. Your ability to deviate from the norm and still perform better will not only help you manage your work-life balance well, but it will also likely wow your employer.

Enhancement of productivity:

Being tech aware makes you more productive and efficient since you can accomplish more in less time. You can pick teleconferencing or even text messages if there is someone you are unable to reach, rather than spending time out of your hectic schedule to travel and meet with them.


The ADA program, who it’s for:

The ADA Software Engineering Internship Program is created to give women the technical skills they need to overcome discrimination in the IT sector, and is for beginners and intermediates.

As the article has a focus on beginners, the ADA Software Engineering Internship Program will be best suited to be a very good start for someone vying into Tech.

The ADA program, some of what it offers include:

  • Mobile App Development

  • Backend Engineering

  • Frontend Engineering

  • Data Analysis

  • Project management

  • Product Design (UIUX), etc.

With exposure to Tech through any of the above-mentioned offers, a beginner enrolling with the ADA program is advantaged as there are benefits for participants.

These benefits include:

Post-Internship Placement

After successfully completing the 7-month internship, participants will be awarded internship assignments at tech companies, where they will get practical, industry-recognized experience.

Access to funding

Funding will be available for start-ups created during the internship program.

Access to mentorship

Participants will have access to mentorship and guidance from qualified industry leaders who are familiar with customary and widely accepted industry practices.


For beginners to get the very best out of vying into Tech, and choosing the ADA program to do so, there is the need to want to dedicate some time daily to improving one’s knowledge on the program sought.

At the same time, to also learn how to build and use programs in a new development environment before learning how to write specific types of programs. For example, concurring with Patience Onyewuchi, prior to beginning to code, being familiar with what an IDE is and how to utilize one. even if it's only notepad.


Credit goes to:

1] Cleverism:

2] The ADA Project:

3] Patience Onyewuchi